1. Students are expected to maintain a high standard in their behaviour and manner of speech.

  2. Students’ actions and language should be courteous at all times.

  3. Students must converse with each other in English in the school premises.

  4. Students should greet peers, teachers and visitors whenever they meet them.

  5. Attentiveness in class and regularity in home assignments is mandatory.

  6. Each student should take pride in keeping the school campus clean.

  7. Fighting, bullying, denying use of facilities to others, damaging school property and causing injury to others will invite strict disciplinary action.

  8. Students are responsible to the school authority not only for their conduct in school but also for their general behaviour outside. Any objectionable conduct reported or observed is liable to disciplinary action.

  9. All unresolved disagreements amongst peers must be brought to the class teacher’s notice.