1. Students must be regular and punctual in attending school.
  2. Minimum attendance required is 90% in an academic year.
  3. No test will be rescheduled or re-conducted to accommodate a student’s absence.
  4. In the event of absence for upto three days, a written note should be submitted either through email, a note in the student diary or a leave letter sealed in an envelope, explaining the reason for the absence.
  5. A leave request made through a phone call should be later supported with an application.
  6. If the duration of absence is to be more than three days, a written permission needs to be obtained from the Principal/ Vice Principal/ Headmistress/ Coordinator
  7. If sick leave is being mentioned and it is for more than 3 days, the parent should submit a doctor’s certificate
  8. No half days or early leave for students will be permitted
  9. In the interest of students and discipline, parents are earnestly requested not to apply for leave for family vacations, ceremonies and functions
  10. All are expected to be in school by the first bell which rings at 08:00 a.m. disciplinary action will be taken against frequent offenders. Those who are late Three times will be suspended for the number of days they are late.